
June 3, 2019

WordPress and User experience


Before giving you more concrete examples of what to review at the level of user experience in your WordPress web, I want you to understand in the concept of don’t make me think (do not make me think).

Think of a very successful television show, such as the series of friends or The Simpsons.

They are chapters of 20 minutes in which, if we imagine a continuous line, we can draw the line with chalk, without raising the hand of the blackboard. From point A to point B. Easy. You like. It doesn’t make you think and you can even do any other activity while watching a chapter.

Now think Of Game of Thrones, or in West World, whose chapters (not all) seem to master classes of a university where you have to be with paper and pen carefully looking at the screen to not lose detail.

Who is with who, who dominates what, what flashback is here now, what a dream is the one who controls not what and killed the best friend of someone’s sister-in-law… tired sometimes not? You have to be a fan to continue watching some series today.

Well, in my view, the same thing happens with webs. If a website, in a leisure environment such as Internet, is complicated too much from the beginning, and that, add that you visit does not know you previously or has references about you, you can take for granted that your percentage of Bounce it ‘s going to be very high (people coming in, look at what’s in 2 seconds, and flee terrified).

When visiting a website, you have to see little, almost nothing. Very few things. A single concept that is easy to understand: look, this web sells mobile, OK. Look, this website is for booking hotels, OK. Look, this man is a personal trainer and he makes you lose pounds, okay. 

Little by little you discover new content, little by little you are hooking.

Don’t pretend to show all your cards on the home screen. Show one there, then another on the Services page, then another in your portfolio… But connect Those pages well, take the hand of your visitor and show him, experience to experience, what you can do for him.

These concepts remind me of two moments that for me have a lot of meaning at the UX level or user experience.


The first, for me, is a good example OF UX: It is a scene from the film Idiocracy, in which, in a future where people directly do not think more, a man of our time travels in time and becomes the Smartest man on the planet.

In this particular scene, this man visits a hospital and the receptionist searches between a large and very descriptive button interface what happens to the prospective patient.

The second is a clear example of BAD UX and many will sound. It is the website that became Homer Simpson when he discovered the Internet (it lowers the volume because it makes a lot of noise).

And finally, I step to talk about what you should take into account at the level of user experience in the elements that Make up your WordPress website.

Keep in mind that I commented superficially, so I hope you will be curious about some points and work, investigate and get your hands dirty to apply to your page.

User experience or UX  applied WordPress

  • When hovering (hovering the mouse over the menu) it has a striking or at least beautiful effect.
  • Always highlight the benefits of your product or service (and not the features). This means highlighting why they have to buy or hire you and not just know what you offer.
  • Fortunately, more and more people worry about a minimalist and fast loading design (not like Homer Simpson’s page).
  • Es de mis partes favoritas de UX, las tiendas online. Es cierto que hay que seguir muy de cerca lo que hace Amazon que no ha cambiado su UX en varios años, porque simplemente, les funciona.
  • As other elements I refer to price tables, sliders, testimonials, pages 404… all of this has to be taken care of at the level of design, text, etc
  • Also, decide if you need them or not. And above all, why would you need them? If you can’t answer that question, don’t put them.